How to open - how to refill or pour - how to use. And how to enjoy your Serriana olive oil.
2 Litre Lo-Cost Refill
3 Litre Fabulous Aluminium Refill Can
Two 500ml Elegant and Graceful Bottle Set
Beautiful and Sturdy 750ml Bottle
Whether you hold a bottle or a can of Serriana olive oil in your hands, we're here to help you on a wonderful adventure. Our adventure will take us to the heart of the Spanish Mediterranean mountains and the core of Mediterranean cuisine. Olive Oil!
We'll enjoy the excitement of new tastes and new dishes and different ways of cooking. We'll look at how to open and get started with your Serriana olive oil. We'll explore how to refill or fill your olive oil. Oh, and we have a small gift for you too. Please scroll down...
Our beautiful sturdy bottle
Our beautiful and sturdy 750ml bottle sits brilliantly by your stove, your BBQ or your table - inside or out!
Rip off the protective top and unscrew the lid.
Each bottle contacts a small cap just inside the bottle neck - which is designed to help you pour steady - but not too quickly.
You can remove this if you want to use a pourer instead.
Your sturdy 750ml bottle is easy to refill.
Just pop out the plastic cap that sits inside the bottle neck. This cap is designed to help you pour, more slowly, your olive oil.
Once this is out, you can refill your bottle more easily and then, replace the cap.
Or add a pourer. To get your free pourer see below:
free: Our gift for you - olive oil pouring funnel
Want one of these pourers? Click here to get one free of charge...
Your fabulous Refill Can
Our most eco friendly way of refilling your olive oil bottles and yes, you save £££ as the cost per litre falls significantly,
elegant and graceful - 500ml bottle
Tall and graceful.
Lo-cost 2 litre refill bottle
Our lo-cost 2 litre refill bottle is easy to lift and control with just one hand. This makes it ideal for steadily refilling your favourite olive oil bottle or dispenser.
Twist off the cap and remove the inner plug. Now your bottle is ready to pour and refill.
Start cooking with Serriana olive oil
Now you have access to your delicious Serriana olive oil, it is time to start enjoying it.
So, let's start cooking. Check out our olive oil recipes here.
free: Our gift for you - olive oil pouring funnel
Want one of these pourers? Click here to get one free of charge...