Crema de calabacin
Crema de Calabacín! A famously simple, and good, dish from Spain.
All you need are a couple of leeks, a couple of marrows (light green skin are best), some vegetable stock and some buttery olive oil.
I also add some pumpkin seeds and an extra drizzle of olive oil. Just because...
Some people add goats cheese to add a creamy rich flavour too. But I often go for the vegan option and add nutritional yeast (which is mushroom based and a great cheese alternative).
Simply fry the leeks in oil (add any strong leafed herbs too - like rosemary), then add the marrow (chopped and cleaned but not skinned) and some stock and gently boil for 20 mins.
Then puree everything. Add salt / pepper to taste plus cheese or yeast. Cook for a couple more minutes before serving and topping with extra seeds and oil and/ or a touch of parsley.
Super healthy, super cheap and super good!
Note: if you enjoyed this crema de calabacin recipe, check out more of our Serriana olive oil recipes here. We've got new ideas to inspire you and tricks to lift your favourite dishes up a notch - all whilst delivering a healthier Mediterranean diet.
A funny story about Crema de Calabacin!
For years, my family went back to the same restaurant because the cook's Crema de Calabacin was simply the best!
At home, we tried to copy the recipe - the cook told us how simple it was - but it we never quite the same!
After many years we realised we were using courgettes (or zuccini) - the dark green skinned ones and not the light green marrow!
That's it. That's all we had to do. Buy the right vegetable and taardah! we had wonderful crema de calabacin!
So, this is how your marrows (calabcin) should look: